Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Brown Bag Board Game Designers’ Document: Power Struggle

Brown Bag Board Game Designers’ Document
Members of the Group: Christian, Kris, Matthew, Sandra
Working Titles of the Game: Power Struggle: THE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS
Designer/Publisher: Blue Team_VCIM 1200 Game Design 1
Brown Bag Items Used: blank board, blank cards, medium small binder clips
Number of Players: 2 – 6
Estimated Play Time: 40+ minutes
Estimated time to learn how to play the game: 10 seconds to read short instructions, then learn as you play
Estimated Setup Time: 2 minutes, but you can be creative and add pieces and instruction cards
Premise or Theme of the Game: Players must reach center “hilltop” first despite advantages, disadvantages and challengers.
Objective(s) of the Game: Race to the end first, trump others when possible.
Goal(s) of the Game: To win first place.
Elements of the Game: Game board, dice, energy cubes, instruction cards, player markers / avatars.
Overview of the game Procedure/Rules:
       each player draws one card per turn OR throws dice. You use the card’s instructions to move forward, back on the board, or attack another player advances

       landings on the board, as well, gives or takes away energy or other options

       some options, such as short-cuts, can be “bought” with enough energy
1) Place your game piece on the nearest blank spot (on the outer ring)
2) Roll to decide who goes first
3) On your turn, you can choose to either
    a) roll the die to move
    b) draw a card
4) if you draw a card, you must wait until the beginning of your next turn to use it, and can only use it after you pay the energy fee
5) you cannot have more energy than your current cap allows (you start with 10, and all energy cubes start off in the “used” block on the board. when you land on a space that gives you energy, simply move your cubes into the “free” block)
6) First person to make it to the middle wins!
Types of spaces:
-Energy spaces :these simply give you more free energy to use
- Regeneration spaces: landing on one of these automatically raises your free energy by half (ie: if you have no free energy, and a cap of 10, you get 5 free energy for landing here)
-Bridges: you need to cross a bridge to advance to the next level, and each bridge costs energy to cross
- for cards, simply pay the energy cost, and follow the instructions. You don’t have to use them right away, so be strategic.
How energy and your cap work:
-you start the game with a cap of 10 (maximum cap is 25)
-these cubes will stay in your “used” block until you earn more energy
- when you earn energy, move blocks from your “used” space to your “free” space.
- Free + Used = your energy cap
-when you raise your cap, add the extra cubes to the “used” space

Are players in cooperation or conflict?: Conflict.
What is the overall aesthetic of the visual elements; board, box, tokens, etc…: The general aesthetic is energy. However, the marketing look for this can be altered to fit other settings; such as medieval / middle ages, comedic chicken to top of hill road, space station, etc.
Is the game easy to learn from the instructions?: Yes. Read instructions and play.
Are the rules easy to explain to others?: Yes.
Does the game rely on luck, strategy or other elements?: Mostly luck at each draw of card or throw of dice. Some strategy as you bide your time and collect energy
Is the Game reminiscent of something else in theme or game mechanics.: Candyland, Star Fluxx, King of Tokyo
Rate the fun factor of the game. (Mass appeal or Gamers Game).: Both. Casual gamers first but with the inherent ability of gamers adding their own instruction cards, this could grow into an RPG, or even an attack plus race game.
What elements could improve the game?:
What is the replay value of the game? Is it one and done or does the game lend itself to more replay, experimentation or rules or with complex strategy, etc…: Replay can be high, since its basic rules can make the game a new, fresh one, each time, and there may be a possibility to add more personalized or freaky goals, actions, etc.

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